Spring 2011 was a very exciting semester. Amongst the normal projects, our class was honored with the visit of famous Dutch book designer, Irma Boom. We were fortunate enough to receive a week long workshop in which our final product was to be a book.

We were each given a word to use as a catalyst that would ultimately help us arrive at the final form of our book. The word I received was, 'stairs'. A fantastic word.

After much deliberation, I resolved that I would use lightwaves to articulate the form of my book. Each width of color in the book is related to the length of the lightwave to create that specific color.

Two things I walk away with from that workshop are...

1. -

There is no such thing as a problem unless you deem it to be so.

2. -
Every page of a book should be an invitation for the reader to turn it.

It was a wonderful experience, and if ever given the chance of meeting Irma, she is impeccable.
Honolulu, Hawai‘i